
Zipper Merging
Zipper Merging
Zipper Merging
The zipper merges is the process that the flipping DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION tells you to do.  When a sign says merge ahead, wait until the merge point to change lanes.  USE BOTH LANES UP UNTIL THE MERGE TO PREVENT A BACK UP!
What Caused The Traffic Jam In Canal Park Today? [VIDEO]
What Caused The Traffic Jam In Canal Park Today? [VIDEO]
What Caused The Traffic Jam In Canal Park Today? [VIDEO]
There was quite the ruckus about the snarl of traffic in Canal Park today.  It's the height of the tourist season and it seems that the Aerial Lift Bridge was down to one lane to be cleaned.  One would wonder why it has to be done now.  After talking with Aerial Lift Bridge Supervisor, Dave Campbell, it was more than "just a cleaning" and it makes perfect sense.
As Soon As The Weather Gets Nicer People Drive Like Idiots
As Soon As The Weather Gets Nicer People Drive Like Idiots
As Soon As The Weather Gets Nicer People Drive Like Idiots
Today was a legitimately nice day in the Northland.  Temperatures hit the 70s and it felt just nice.  The sun was out, I was driving back from an appointment in Carlton, when I nearly was taken off the road by a car that cut into my lane on I 35.  I shrugged it off, kept my cool and kept going.   Just minutes later another car passed me going close to 90 and "shot the gap" in between me
Campus Trail Construction Has Started Along College Street
Campus Trail Construction Has Started Along College Street
Campus Trail Construction Has Started Along College Street
My daughter Kylee is graduating from UMD in just a few days, YAY!  Soon, our college students will either be graduating or heading home for the summer.  That means that foot traffic around the colleges will be significantly reduced and it's a great time to get the Campus Connector Trail completed.  Here's what you need to know.

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