The City of Duluth announced that Mayor Emily Larson will deliver her third State of the City Address this Thursday, March 15.  These things can be a bit dull.  I say you should sneak in a flask to turn it into this fun drinking game.

The State of the City address will be held at the NorShor Theatre, 211 East Superior Street in downtown Duluth. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the program beings at 6:00 p.m.

The State Of The City Drinking Game is really quite simple, you must take a pull from your drink every time Mayor Larson says the following words or phrases during her address:

  • Earned Sick and Safe Time
  • Big Tobacco
  • Potholes
  • Heroin
  • Infrastructure
  • Historic __________ (theater, downtown, etc)
  • Bike Trails
  • City Council
  • Slip Bridge

Get ready, because if Mayor Larson says any of these bonus phrases, it's 3 drinks:

  • Welcome Darren Danielson, or as Mainstream Fashions For Men calls him, "Captain Commando"
  • Better streets than Wakanda
  • My only remaining goal, Van Halen at Amsoil Arena
  • Haven't been this happy since the day the dry cleaners found my leather pants
  • Anyone got any Jack Daniels for momma?
  • I can eat my weight in coney dogs
  • Remember when this theater was filled with strippers?
  • That's it, the address is over now get out before we get charged for another hour

Sure, go to the address, but why not have some fun with it?  Make sure you have enough libations for the entire thing, then utilize Uber or a taxi to get your drunk butt home.

If you want to play from home, our media partners will be carrying the address online at

Bottoms up!


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