Do men have mood swings?  Gabrielle Lichterman, founder of the Hormonology blog and coauther of 28 days, says that  while women usually experience hormone-induced mood swings on a monthly basis, men too are affected.  But can women manipulate us men by using our moods?  That's what she claims.  She goes on to say that women can get their man's hormones working for them by following this simple guide:

Need to move, negotiate, or fix something? Ask him for help between 9-12 a.m.

It should come as no surprise that guys wake up bursting with testosterone. And aside from the obvious frisky factor, this surge in hormones makes him feel ambitious and determined, says Lichterman. This is the perfect time to ask him for a favor, particularly one that makes him feel like Mr. Fix-It. Buying a car? Indulge his competitive streak and drag him along to help you haggle with the salesman and score a great deal. Or you can cash in on his peak in spatial thinking by asking him to help move your couch or measure your closet space. He’ll feel heroic, and you’ll reap the benefits.

If you want him to agree to your plans, mention them between 3-4 p.m.

Trying to convince him to sign up for dancing lessons, commit to your new book club or otherwise agree to do something that would normally send your man screaming in the opposite direction? Then this late-afternoon window is the perfect opportunity, says Lichterman, since his super-low testosterone levels will make him mellow and amenable to pretty much anything you throw on the table.

Read more via Understanding your man’s mood swings.

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