We've had a fairly decent weekend and now a couple of inches are expected tomorrow, UGH!  I know, I know, it's expected to melt fast, but I want 80 and humid!!!  With all this snow, I started to wonder if the extra moisture will mean more mosquitoes this summer, their eggs thrive in water.  But, even if we do have lots of the little buggers, at least we aren't dealing with the BIG mosquitoes they have in Florida!

Unfortunately, mosquito eggs withstand the worse of Mother Nature and complex and are able to last several years.  They have been around for 170 million years and they aren't going anywhere, anytime soon!  But, they are changing.

Florida has seen a bigger mosquito called a  "super mosquito" known scientifically as Psorophora ciliata, which can grow two to three times the size of the ones we usually see and can even bite through a shirt.

They are also known as Gallinippers and are known to be flood-water mosquitoes.

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