Yes, there's a bite taken out of that dinner frank (aka, a wiener).  But, that's when it hit me, why not put a little hollandaise sauce on it too?  You see, I had made Eggs Benedict for my hubby for brunch on Sunday, for myself a delicious dinner frank.  Since there was a little hollandaise sauce left I put some on my dinner frank and it was fabulous!

I have to be honest, I use a powdered mix that you add water and butter to and heat up on the stove until it thickens, but it's easy and tastes good so we're happy.

So, what IS hollandaise sauce?  It's a tasty sauce that has a buttery flavor that you often add a touch of tang to with a hint of lemon juice.  It's got a bright yellow color and is smooth in consistency.

Most people use it on Eggs Benedict or asparagus.  But, I saw it on salmon at a buffet and that got me thinking, what do YOU put hollandaise sauce on?

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