I'm missing out on seeing some of my friends lately.  In fact, it may seem like I've dropped off the face of the earth.  Sometimes I don't return phone calls, sometimes I'll have to cancel meeting up with you, and some of my favorite social activities I never do anymore.  So here it is my open letter, and I'm sure a lot of people can relate.

Dear Friend,

We used to hang out a lot.  Even if not a lot, at least regularly.  Now its so rare that we have to make a big event and mark it on the calendar.  I know you called last week and I answered the phone and was in a hurry, and kinda sorta was paying attention and then wrapped up the call.  I'm sorry about that.  I had a baby crawling across the floor and sticking her finger into an outlet that somehow had lost its outlet cover, while the 6 year old ran out of toilet paper in the bathroom and was yelling for me.

I'm sorry that we couldn't make it tent camping this last weekend.  But the thought of bringing a 10 month old camping in a tent is no fun.  Some people are that adventurous, I am not.  Screw that.  In a few years, yes, but we have a hard enough time getting the baby to sleep in her crib... which she barely did last night.

I'm sorry that I missed out on the family get together, but it was the only weekend that my wife and I had off the entire month to celebrate our anniversary.  People keep saying to put your marriage first, and we did.  I felt a bit guilty about it, but we REALLY needed that time together.

Also, when I say "we really need to get together soon," I mean it.  But I need your help with that.  If it's just left up to me to schedule a day it will never happen.  But if you reach out and give me some options I'll make one of them work.  Although, I'm sure you're just as busy as me, and that's why this fails.  But, we really need to get together soon.

If you've called me, and I haven't returned the call, don't take it personally.  I really forgot.  Unless it's an emergency, I sometimes say, "I'll call them later when I have time."  With kids and both of us working full time with weekends, there is no time.  Sorry about that.  Last week it was my birthday and I had a bunch of friends call, and it took me a week to return some of them.

I know you understand all of this, and I'm sure you are going through the same level of craziness.  Thanks for being a friend, and let's keep trying.


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