I quit smoking 5 months ago.  That was honest to God my last cigarette.  I haven't taken a puff since.  The rewards have been worth not going back.  I feel better, I smell better, my sense of taste is better, all of that stuff is true.  I rarely have cravings anymore, but it's amazing how sometimes out of nowhere, I still struggle.

My toughest part always was and I assume always will be when I'm drinking.  After I finish my second beer, I still have the urge.  It's like no time has passed at all and my last cigarette was yesterday.  It passes rather quickly, but it still amazes me.

I dream about smoking.  I guess this is common.  It's not like I'm enjoying it, it's just that I bum a smoke from a friend and have a few and it's OK.  Then I wake up and feel regret and guilt.  It sticks with you for a while too.

What I also struggle with is that I totally understand why ex-smokers are the worst when it comes to tell other people to quit smoking.  I always said I wouldn't be that guy, because I knew how hard it was to quit.  But now, it's like I just want to grab a smoker by the arms and yell at them, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?   It's such a gross habit, it's so unhealthy, and if you can get through the bad part it's not that bad.  You seriously just need to make up your mind and say enough is enough.

Oh and one more thing that was disappointing about quitting smoking is when I went to the ER recently for some chest pains I was having.  (It was stupid heartburn, what a waste of money.)  The doctor asked if I smoked and I proudly said, "Nope, I quit."   I expected a parade to come through cheering.  Instead I got grilled on how much I smoked before and how long, and yadda yadda yadda.  Important information, yes.  But can't I get just a little high five or something?


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